- اسناد
- إِسْنَادٌмн. أَسَانِيدُ1) опора2) подпорка3) доказательство4) источник (например литературный)5) юр. -богосл. цепь передатчиков хадисов6) грам. предикация, предактивная связь
Арабско-русский словарь. Академик. 2013.
Арабско-русский словарь. Академик. 2013.
إسناد — معجم اللغة العربية المعاصرة إسناد [مفرد]: ج أَسانيدُ (لغير المصدر): 1 مصدر أسندَ. 2 (حد) نسبة الحديث إلى رُوَاته، أو رفع الحديث إلى قائله. 3 (نح) ضمّ كلمة إلى أخرى على وجه يفيد معنًى تامًّا كإسناد الخبر إلى المبتدأ، والفعل إلى الفاعل … Arabic modern dictionary
аснод — [اسناد] а. ҷ. санад (ҳуҷҷатҳо); идораи сабти аснод идораи нотариалӣ … Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ
سند — سند: السَّنَدُ: ما ارتَفَعَ من الأَرض في قُبُل الجبل أَو الوادي، والجمع أَسْنادٌ، لا يُكَسَّر على غير ذلك. وكلُّ شيءٍ أَسندتَ إِليه شيئاً، فهو مُسْنَد. وقد سنَدَ إِلى الشيءِ يَسْنُدُ سُنوداً واستَنَدَ وتسانَد وأَسْنَد وأَسنَدَ غيرَه. ويقال:… … Lisan Al Arab. Arabic explanatory dictionary
Isnad — A hadith was originally just an Arabic story. As the stories began to be used formally it became common to provide their chain of transmitters, (or sanad سند, plural اسناد isnad) . The story proper was then called the matn.UseThe isnad for a… … Wikipedia
Glossary of Islamic terms in Arabic — The following list consists of concepts that are derived from both Islamic and Arab tradition, which are expressed as words in the Arabic language. The main purpose of this list is to disambiguate multiple spellings, to make note of spellings no… … Wikipedia
Iran hostage crisis — Iran United States hostage crisis A defaced Great Seal of the United States at the former U.S. embassy, Tehran, Iran, as it appeared in 2004 … Wikipedia
Den of Espionage — The Espionage Den (Persian:لانه جاسوسی) is the popular name given to the U. S. embassy in Tehran following the takeover of the embassy that marked the start of the Iran hostage crisis . It is variously translated espionage den , den of espionage … Wikipedia
Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom — (جامعهٔ مدرسین حوزهٔ علمیهٔ قم), was founded 1961 by the leading Shia clerics of Qom to organize religious teachings in the seminaries, and expand the religious teachings in Iran. It currently heads the Supreme Council of Qom Hawzas, and proposes … Wikipedia
Mulla Alaul Maulk Tuni — (Persian: ملا علاءالملک تونی) was an Iranian architect. He was born in Ferdows (named Toon historically) in 17th century. He cooperated with Ali Mardan Khan in the construction of the Shalimar Gardens in Lahore in 1641 C.E.[1] He also designed… … Wikipedia
Nasser Pourpirar — ناصر پورپیرار Nasser Pourpirar, (Persian: ناصر پورپیرار) (Pen name: Naria,)(previous name: AbdulNaser Bani Kanaan), is an Iranian writer, and revisionist.[3][1 … Wikipedia
Isnad — Der Isnad (arabisch إسناد, DMG isnād, in der Bedeutung von „Stütze“) ist die Kette der Überlieferer eines Hadith, die als Stütze für die Authentizität einer Aussage des Propheten Mohammed dient und diese stets einleitet. Somit beschäftigt… … Deutsch Wikipedia